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Frequent questions

Offer a free analysis "high tech"?

Yes, offriamo un servizio gratuito di analisi basato sul nostro protocollo per implementera strumenti di ultima tecnologia come: chat box, sell bot, assistenti digitali di vendita, ricerca vocale e interfaccie graficheuser friendly”.

Send us the name of the e-commerce site to be analyzed through the form below.

What do I get from my free analysis?

Our free analysis offer includes:

1) Verifica dell’efficienza del sito-

2) Free delivery of the percentage of effectiveness, navigability and credibility of the site based on our protocol.

3) Invio gratuito di alcuni suggerimenti generali per innovare il sito da parte dei migliori esperti e ricerca dei bandi statali disponibili per accedere ai fondi per innovazione digitale.

Use an analysis protocol?

Yes, we have created a protocol for evaluating the efficiency of e-commerce sites based on more than 200 specific requirements. The protocol can evaluate a site based on the parameters and helps build a list of actions to improve it.

Quali parti del sito internet analizzate?

Analizziamo tutte le principali aree del sito internet che concorrono a creare ottimizzazione:

- appearance
- usability
– innovazione
- code programming
- supplier management
- warehouse management
- product categories management
- product management
- user registration management
- order management
- customer management
- customer reviews management
- management of sending emails
- data verification
- analytics
- marketing
- strategic planning
- study of competition
- legal compliance

See an example of a general survey we use to collect data from our collaborators:


What paid services do you offer?

1) Verifica completa del sito internet tramite 5 main reports:

- reporting code errors
- reporting usability errors
- reporting errors of availability
- reporting errors of aesthetic impact
- reporting credibility errors

2) List of priority actions to improve the economic performance of the e-commerce platform.

3) Verification of the implementation of the changes over time.

4) Verification over time of the sales performance and usability of the site.

5) Daily site check with real-team reports of critical problems

6) Richiesta statale finale di accesso ai fondi per l’innovazione digitale e tecnologica ( FIT e ICT )

What Do You Need Help With?

You still have questions?

Talk to one of our collaborators.